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CD56 MicroBeads, non-human primate

CD56 MicroBeads have been developed for the separation of monocytes from rhesus monkey PBMCs.



CD56 MicroBeads have been developed for the separation of monocytes from rhesus monkey PBMCs.

Detailed product information

Background information

CD56 is expressed on rhesus monkey monocytes.
 CD56 is also expressed on a minor subset of CD8
 NK cells, while the predominant majority of rhesus monkey NK cells does not express CD56.

Downstream applications

Non-human primate CD56 MicroBeads can be used for depletion of monocytes and a minor subset of CD56
 rhesus monkey NK cells, e.g., prior to positive selection of CD16
 NK cells using CD16 MicroBeads.


For positive selection: MS, LS, XS, or autoMACS
 Columns. For depletion: LD, D, or autoMACS Columns.
  • 10e9 total cells : 0
  • Non-human primate : 0
  • 2 mL : 0